Thursday, August 14, 2008


why? sometimes i ask myself this question. a lot of times i ask myself this question, actually. it seems that i make decisions in my life that make sense. they make sense, that is, until i think about them. this blog is about a particular decision i made that led me to ask myself "why?".
it was the beginning of summer break. i had just driven the hour and a half drive home in the most perfect weather there has ever been. i had my radio blaring the whole way. jesse mccartney was singing me his hit song "leavin" as i wished he was sitting beside me in the passenger seat. note: jesse mccartney is 21 years old, as am i. perfect. anyhow, i am home. i unload my things and cart them up to my room. this takes me about 30 minutes, as the only people to offer a helping hand include absolutely no one. thank you. i position my boxes and suitcases around my room in a neat fashion. to me, it would make the most sense to leave all of my stuff packed up so that i wouldn't have to pack it all up again to move back at the end of the summer. brilliant. insert question: WHY?!?! did i run into a wall before i made that decision? this is what that decision actually did for me. i wore my clothes out of my suitcases. then i would wash and fold them and just sit them on a surface of my room only to wear then wash them all over again before they got put away. they never got put away. i got things out of every box in my room to use and just set them down anywhere when i was done. result: a tornado went through my room and i can't tell at the moment whether or not i have carpet. now, as i sit here just days away from the end of my summer break and about ready to move in, i look around my room and wonder where to begin packing up. i wish so desperately i could slap the girl who decided it would be best to be lazy and not unpack but live out of boxes and suitcases all summer. i suppose that one day i will begin to think and use common sense. until then, i suppose i will continue to make life more difficult than it needs to be. hah.


Jon and Lori Anne said...

Why haven't you posted any more? Gpl isn't the same without you. Don't worry I'll keep checking. Oh, I forgot I signed up to stalk you. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I promise to have more exciting material soon, because, well, you know how very exciting my life is! How's Purdue? said...

How's it going? You'll have to check out my newly updated blog. It looks quite snazzy...hee hee!
Hope you are doing well! We miss you like crazy. :)

Jon and Lori Anne said...

You make me laugh out loud. Good thing there are hardly any people in the library right now. Good news Crazy Sherri is getting ban from here. It is still in the works, but it will FOREVER. Can't wait to see your updates on your blog.